viernes, enero 30, 2009

we were rocked

breanna saw it with school
and loved it
so we bought 5 tickets
and brought the wee hysongurls
because jewelgurl
selflessly had to work
so put that in your file jill's employer
we took the next biggest fans in the house
the afore mentioned wee hysongurls

we weren't front row center or nothing

but the view of the stage was still good

it was laugh outloud funny

and touching

and clever

and a great excuse to get into the city again

jueves, enero 29, 2009

more about cuba

miércoles, enero 28, 2009

people we met in cuba - azmi

by the clothes he was wearing
i knew right away
this gentle spirited man
was travelling without a wife
having met ashleigh earlier
we thought it might be fun to send him home
with a photo like this on his camera
to show his wife
impressed easily by his intellect,
points of observation and good nature
i was somewhat saddened to find out
he's Lebanese
travel ain't easy
for a boy from lebanon
while he is rather homogeneous at a glance
grey green eyes
not really dark
or overtly ethnic looking
he's well spoken
while he lives and works in canada...
once the authorities see his name
it looks vaguely like one of those names
an amalgamation of parts
of all those names we've heard over and over since 9-11
he tends to get special treatment
i got special treatment once
i didn't like it much
i understand it better now
he seems to understand it
conscious of the indignity
and inconvenience
detached from it's bitterness
but nonetheless
oblivious about mixing patterned garments

martes, enero 27, 2009

flashback - new years eve

what we didn't do new years eve
is sleep
we left for the airport
at quarter to two in the morning
new years day
to go to
more about that laterbut
before we did that
we did this
warm saki
japanois cuisine
clever culinary trickery
formerly sushi culture in whitby on thickson road
in the plaza
behind taco bell
they've changed the name
jimmy says go there

domingo, enero 25, 2009


Beyond a wholesome discipline
be gentle with yourself
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars
you have a right to be here
whether or not it is clear to you
have no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should

sábado, enero 24, 2009

happy birthday diana

being a classy sort of guy
i took diana to see
on her birthdayno, really
she wanted to go
she got drunker than lahey
and we all laughed like the shit wind was tickling our
our naughty bits
happy birthday to you
happy birthday to you
happy birthday
diana diana diana beautiful diana
happy birthday
to you

viernes, enero 23, 2009

Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice

every normal man
must be tempted
at times
to spit upon his hands
raise the black flag
and begin slitting throats

jueves, enero 22, 2009

it's a beatiful thing

miércoles, enero 21, 2009

near park centrale, habana cuba

this one's for you leanne

no hay nadie como tu - calle 13

i know it's more like
than jimmy's
i'm posting a song of the day today too

heard it in cuba - you must watch the video
calle 13 - no hay nadie como tu

fucking brilliant.

cuba chris ur in trbl - i cn hlp

so this guy tells us
he's picking the weird fuckers up
and squeezing 'em till they pop‏

rotten rat bastard (
Wednesday, January 21, 2009 7:59:15 PM

you are the scourge of jellyfish everywhere

i've heard that the "society for the dignity of dead invertebrates"
has you on their list of motherfuckers that need to be dealt with

i want you know amigo
i got your back on this one
you've been through a lot lately
and while i believe
that picking up dead bloated jellyfish
and squeezing the bastards until they pop
is not something any normal person would do
ur life
hasn't exactly been normal for some time
those jellyfish society whores will have to understand this
we may have to make them understand
we'll have to strike first
strike hard
and forgive ourselves for what needs to be done
we'll get through this buddy
don't you worry - leave that to me
it's just one thing after another isn't it

i'm not gonna get all soft
and say i miss you
but there are many stories that didn't get told
and many more societies to offend
with impulsive libertine behavior
let's go downtown
act drunk
and carve the nuts off the fuckers that pick us up
ho ho
i'm having a good time just thinking about it
your relentless fiend

jim swinghammer

martes, enero 20, 2009

mmmmm you sexy beesh

it rubs the lotion on it's skin
oh yes
it's the hose again for you
kitty kat

soy amigo de cuba rob-tographer

lunes, enero 19, 2009

happy birthday emska boo-bawski

you are my
best friend boo
thank you for the laughs, the love, the company

and thank you most of all

for all the times you've reminded me

what it was like when breanna was three

hugs for you

domingo, enero 18, 2009

habana cuba - we are all poets


Take kindly the counsel of the years
gracefully surrendering the things of youth
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings
Many fears are born
of fatigue
and loneliness.

sábado, enero 17, 2009

havana cuba: flo-rida keeez rob-tographer

the art according to cuba

art is everywhere in cuba
really incredible art for a culture that produces
some of the most hideous souveniers known to man
original works
with broad influences
and screams
classics and contemporaries
picasso dali monet climenhage van gogh warhol
even that god awful norman rockwell fucker
next time
i'm leaving an entire day
just for art