lunes, enero 31, 2011

domingo, enero 30, 2011

and this reminds me

that it's time to back away from the fridge
and get back in the saddle
watch me go

sábado, enero 29, 2011

and i stood there

in my pyjamas
fingers frozen
locked into the most vivid of memories
almost feeling how it feels
to open up the throttle on the buellster down this particular stretch of back road
captivated by the thought
a sudden and penetrating breeze
caught me crisply by the nads
fucking winter

viernes, enero 28, 2011

jimmy swinghammer:

happily drinking from the fountain of harsh realities

damn - should NOT go riding in the snow

jueves, enero 27, 2011


had a dream
familiar moments faces feelings
beautiful in an ugly sort of way
ugly in a beautiful sort of way
a strange and wonderfully terrible dream
about mostly nothing
and little bits of everything

miércoles, enero 26, 2011


of course i'm happy
in fact
i'm so fucking happy
i shit rose petals
and piss sunshine

martes, enero 25, 2011

jueves, enero 20, 2011

this is funny - a friend of mine posted this on facebook today