miércoles, enero 28, 2009

people we met in cuba - azmi

by the clothes he was wearing
i knew right away
this gentle spirited man
was travelling without a wife
having met ashleigh earlier
we thought it might be fun to send him home
with a photo like this on his camera
to show his wife
impressed easily by his intellect,
points of observation and good nature
i was somewhat saddened to find out
he's Lebanese
travel ain't easy
for a boy from lebanon
while he is rather homogeneous at a glance
grey green eyes
not really dark
or overtly ethnic looking
he's well spoken
while he lives and works in canada...
once the authorities see his name
it looks vaguely like one of those names
an amalgamation of parts
of all those names we've heard over and over since 9-11
he tends to get special treatment
i got special treatment once
i didn't like it much
i understand it better now
he seems to understand it
conscious of the indignity
and inconvenience
detached from it's bitterness
but nonetheless
oblivious about mixing patterned garments