the plot thickens - the fix is in - the jig is up
sweet jimmy swinghammer rides again - celebration consideration contradiction controversy cynicism curiosity coupled with tasteless reflection pointless insight personal perspective periodic pontifications and pretty pictures - KEEP KISSING THE FROG DAMMIT - HAPPINESS IS OUT THERE SOMEWHERE - carpe this
domingo, septiembre 28, 2008
jueves, septiembre 25, 2008
martes, septiembre 23, 2008
another 3 days grace moment
and some shopping on queen street
life sized steven and chris are kinda creepy
but you should really see them this big and up close
truly disturbing
and they got to show off their cool pants
bre's fiend kelly
was saying how she wondered
if the band had any idea how happy they make people
because just meeting them like that made her
soooooOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!
silently i felt very good about me
because 3 days grace can sign all the autographs they want
but without the right dad to get you to the events
well...i'm pretty cool that way
jueves, septiembre 18, 2008
domingo, septiembre 14, 2008
terry fox ride
no doubt because the weather seemed ominous
and unlike terry fox and i
other people are pussies
miércoles, septiembre 10, 2008
lunes, septiembre 08, 2008
some things you might see at the orono fair
and sometimes they say
what to hell have you done to yourself
i found this sleeping baby over by the bingo tent
wanna see the one on the bottom he says to me
and i admit readily that i do not