martes, septiembre 23, 2008

another 3 days grace moment

as a bona fide 3 days grace fan club member
the breanna scored passes to a rather exclusive
DVD release party

so bre and her friend got all fixed up
with their 3dg lyric jeans
and some one x body art

and we headed into the city
for some street meat
and urban culture

which included a visit
to one of toronto's many
extravagant costume shoppes
(halloween is coming!!!!)

and some shopping on queen street

life sized steven and chris are kinda creepy

but you should really see them this big and up close

truly disturbing

and then a trip to varsity theatre
to see the new three days grace movie thing

and then breanna

got to meet them


and they got to show off their cool pants

bre's fiend kelly

was saying how she wondered

if the band had any idea how happy they make people

because just meeting them like that made her

soooooOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!

silently i felt very good about me

because 3 days grace can sign all the autographs they want

but without the right dad to get you to the events

well...i'm pretty cool that way