sábado, mayo 05, 2007

yard sailors at whitby shores

jessticle says:
there are yard sales all over my subdivision
jimmy says:
treasure hunting!!! bring it on baybee
jess lives in the whitby shores development where all the street names are sea and sailor-esque
by my estimation makes us
"yard sailors"

this is jimmy- crammed into the back of a backseatless dodge shadow along with all the morning's treasures

this is the full extent of the empathy you get for complaining about the seating arrangements

no matter - it was a good haul

i got a highchair, a mortar and pestle, tres kewl daquari glasses, a panaracer mountain bike tire, an astrology globe, another random painting of a woman for my collection of women, an ugly wooden head, and a t-shirt that says "penetrate discreetly"

oddly enough - no books today - "no time for books" jess says as she's flying from one sale to another - we're looking for real treasure

the piece de resistance - a most unlikely duo - first a funky yet hideous wooden tribal cd holder thing - as i'm waiting for jess to pay for it for me i point out this random looking rubber chicken

mrs. vendor tells us that the cd stand belonged to her husband and she TOLD him he was getting rid of it today - he subsequently TOLD her she was getting rid of the cherished rubber chicken - i couldn't break up the set after a story like that - so i took them both

no, the chicken is not permenantly attached to the cd rack


At sábado, mayo 05, 2007 8:39:00 a. m., Blogger sweet jimmy swinghammer said...

whatsoever will i do with a rubber chicken **insert sinister yet playfully knowing look here** i have a couple ideas - some not fit to print - please - post your ideas here - maybe i'll create an entry of me or some other fool doing what you suggested

At sábado, mayo 05, 2007 9:14:00 a. m., Blogger jewelgurl said...

Choke it Jimmy....choke the chicken.


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