viernes, noviembre 24, 2006

pretty dang good ideas - by jim swinghammer

idea #1

a sweet jimmy original

a timely idea
for this holiday shopping goes like this
kiosks at the mall
with touch screen google-like searchable data bases
you log on
so that retailers
and their corporations
can collect data about your needs
you put in the item/s name or a description of the item
and a meta crawling search engine goes to work
combing inventory lists and retail data from mall vendors
for the end user - the shopper
tonnes of advertising maybe some coupons
item descriptions, store/s where they can be found, product availability, related merchandise
a "you are here" map with directions to appropriate retailers
a choice of route parameters
like quickest, shortest
and a special setting for devoted shoppers - window shopping
window shopping would take the shopper
on personalized route past stores and items of interest
identified based on relevence to that days item/s requested
data collected from previous mall visits
new items in stock since last log in
cross referenced with the user's preferences
and a mall time limit entered by the shopper
retailers will benefit from extensive advertising iniatives
and the eventual efficiency of an online hybrid program
that will facilitate fully automated online order taking
and shipping labels
from making shopping simpler
to taking shopping into cyberspace
good idea or
great idea
you decide
i'll tell you this though
sweet jimmy has spent a lot of time at the mall this month
i think it's getting to me