miércoles, marzo 07, 2007

should i be worried?

i've tried to cultivate abstract thinking

as a part of my daughter's problem solving skill set

thinking outside the box sort of shit
i now know for sure she has grasped the concept and i'm worried
let me explain...
she plays roller coaster tycoon - a game that simulates the creation and operation of a theme park - you build attractions and construct rides and concession stands - even bathrooms
people come to your park and enjoy themselves - you earn money and
within a certain time frame
you need x number of dollars and x number of people in your amusement park to meet your objective and win- pretty straight forward
there's this feature
you can access a pull down menu that lists all the park guests by name, what they're doing and what they're thinking - things like "i'm hungry" "where's the washroom""that ride is fun"that ride is lame" etc.

you can actually pick people up individually and put them places they want or need to be - the washrooms - a particular ride - food stand etc.

so here's where it all gets a little funky

they also say " i want to go home" or "leaving the park"
so my daughter
takes the equipment that is used to build rides and gardens and sidewalks
and she builds a pit
she starts picking up all the people that are leaving
and she puts them in the pit

they can not escape
they walk around aimlessly saying "i want to go home"
but they can't leave
my daughter's theme park has become a concentration camp

her attendance numbers stay VERY high
it's like a wasp trap - once you're in there's no getting out
some of her prisoners errr patrons have been at the park for over a year

she's put a shelter in the pit
a hot dog vendor
and washrooms
it's all geneva convention - better than guantanimo bay
i'm impressed with her resourcefulness
and a little bit uneasy just the same
my baby gurl has become a rollercoaster dictator
is this a bad sign?
should i start sleeping with one eye open?