sábado, noviembre 15, 2008

The newest Twilight adventure

it was grey wetish and cool right from the start
the smell of futility was in the air
but i mentioned before

this twilight thing

it's a pretty big deal
sacrifices must be made
so the bre and i and a couple of her friends
(originally 6 wanted to come only 3 were allowed)
headed for the city
i drop the kids at the much music
6 hours before event time
where they huddled on the street beneath tarps
with hundreds of other fans

i went foraging for parking
and urban culture

then i got hungry

had a burger and a beer
at the black bull
a bar
established on queen street since 18 hundred something
and that's where the old lower canada charm ends
the place is really no big deal
just old
breanna called and when i got back to them
spirits were fading
the faces had changed
the cool dampness was setting in
and misery was flirting her flirty flirt
then the much music people took the tarps away
and it got quite a bit colder
even hot chocolate couldn't save the day
almost four hours in
we were homeward bound
that last two hours
promised to be far too unpleasant for them
and a consensus was reached

at home

we turned up the heat - ordered pizza - and watched it all on tv