martes, diciembre 09, 2008

the santa trip - part two

it was closed when we got there at 2:55
we seemed to be
the only ones looking like
we were looking for santa
the sign said he'd be back at 3pm
and over the next five mins
the line grew and grew and grew behind us
waiting sucks
you can ask those people about it
cause they
had to wait for us
emily entertained mason
for that short period of time we waited
was particularily proud of herself
when she made him smile
santa claus
and his fembot wind up toys

fem-bot number one
opened the gate
and said
let me pose for a picture
or something like that

her festive little eyes
said something more like
wind me up?
wind me up santa does
i let her look into my eyes
said nothing
and she understood
that there could never be anything between us
cause sweet jimmy's got a
red hot
elfen-type bear thing
dancing under his mistletoe
a little further along the way
they have these magic christmas glasses
which don't look so cool dans la tete
they make the world
look like this
last year i kept mine
so i could wear them
on special occasions
when i'm lit up
a christmas tree
ho ho
yes siree
under the influence
the kids got kerplunked on

apathetic santa's lap

we snapped a few pictures

and that's
how it went down
apparently they're going to email us a link
to a video
of emily's visit with santa
it's free this year
at the
oshawa center