sábado, junio 09, 2007

sushi culture -

sushi culture in whitby
80 thickson rd.
chicken beef lobster shrimp
warm saki
and a fire happy japanese chef


At domingo, junio 10, 2007 5:02:00 p. m., Blogger sweet jimmy swinghammer said...

the first picture - it looks like the egg is balanced on dude's tool - actually it's falling on it - the egg splits and the contents drip down the sides of the tool onto the grill while the shell stays on the tool - tricky cook - he also made a volcano out of onions - flipped breanna's rice bowl high into the air and caught it - all in addition to lighting that shit up - "you ready?" he said "you ready" - i was born ready but goddamn man that was a fire show -


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