martes, abril 03, 2007

jackass - the experience

we've been totally getting into jackass around here
i mean totally - maybe in a bad way
it started when jackass 2 was still in theaters
a pirated dvd crossed our paths
then there was the nightshifts with jackass 1 and 2
recently jess got the box set
a veritable endless jackass extravaganza

so what's the next step?
jackass the experience!!!
it's like this
i'm watching the disc 2 from the box set
they're "antiquing" one another
handfuls of flour thrown on the heads of helpless sleeping victims
i look over
jess is asleep
it was really too easy

pictures are so insufficient

ask me - i'll show you the video


At sábado, abril 14, 2007 3:26:00 a. m., Blogger coco_chanel_081 said...

Yes the sound effects of the video make it


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