never is always now
I have lived longer in the last thirteen years
than most people ever live in an entire life time
Hanging on and letting go
Hundred miles an hour in the middle of the darkest night
Head out the window
Headlights off
Jaw clenched tight
I have tasted and been tasted
I have died
And been reborn
Over and over
Laughed lived lusted
Fallen down
Fallen up
Indulged more sins than one man should have time to commit
my life is like sand
A billion tiny moments
Bound together by proximity
into a shapeless existence
Of fate
Cause and effect
too angry to hate tired to care strange to live and stupid to die
yesterday’s excuse
tomorrow’s reason
today's treason
too bad to be good
too good to be bad
and i know for certain
whether you believe it or not
that never is always now
and the worst is yet to come
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